Thursday, February 24, 2011

Audrey: iLiveSpelling Test Results

iLiveSpelling Results:

Lesson 1

Number of Questions: 14
Correctly Answered: 9
Incorrectly Answered: 4
Unanswered: 1

Correct: 64%
Incorrect: 29%
Unanswered: 7%

Question 1:
The pandas ____ in the snow.
Full Sentence: The pandas play in the snow.
Correct Answer: play

Question 2:
We will take ___ to see the bears.
Full Sentence: We will take him to see the bears.
Incorrect Answer: We

Question 3:
__ our amazement the whales surfaced.
Full Sentence: To our amazement the whales surfaced.
Correct Answer: To

Question 4:
____ me one more apple for the bear.
Full Sentence: Give me one more apple for the bear.
Incorrect Answer: Give

Correct Answer: Give

Question 5:
The polar bear mother showed her cubs ___ to fish.
Full Sentence: The polar bear mother showed her cubs how to fish.
Correct Answer: how

Question 6:
Meerkats raise _____ heads to watch and listen.
Full Sentence: Meerkats raise their heads to watch and listen.
Incorrect Answer: there

Incorrect Answer: ther

Incorrect Answer: there

Incorrect Answer: there

Incorrect Answer: There

Incorrect Answer: Ther

Incorrect Answer: Thire

Incorrect Answer: Their

Correct Answer: their

Question 7:
The kangaroos will run from ___.
Full Sentence: The kangaroos will run from you.
Correct Answer: you

Question 8:
That boy has a dog that __ loves.
Full Sentence: That boy has a dog that he loves.

Question 9:
The pandas ____ in the snow.
Full Sentence: The pandas play in the snow.
Correct Answer: play

Question 10:
__ what time are the otters being fed?
Full Sentence: At what time are the otters being fed?
Correct Answer: At

Question 11:
A whale ___ her calf swam by the boat.
Full Sentence: A whale and her calf swam by the boat.
Correct Answer: and

Question 12:
__ dog is a mammal with four limbs.
Full Sentence: My dog is a mammal with four limbs.
Correct Answer: My

Question 13:
__ zebra was running through the tall grass.
Full Sentence: A zebra was running through the tall grass.
Correct Answer: A

Question 14:
_____ you like to watch the squirrels feed?
Full Sentence: Would you like to watch the squirrels feed?
Incorrect Answer: world

Incorrect Answer: wold

Incorrect Answer: would

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